
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Three disjointed ideas

See, this is why I come up with projects. As much as I enjoy the act of writing, I all too often run out of ideas too quickly, and so have to go mining for something else and then things get rushed. What's worse is that I'm actually (by and large) disconnected from the rest of the world at the moment, but why not take a random three things and call it good? Daily posts don't always have to be 700 word exercises in saying as little about a topic as possible.

1. As much as I genuinely love having as much time to play games as I want, my taste in games is making me wonder. I've seriously logged about 40 hours into Dynasty Warriors Gundam since it came out, which was last Tuesday.

Mind you, I don't actually like this installment as much as the previous ones. The camera's in too close, the HUD is cluttered up, and the choice and emphasis on the different series is really weird. Stardust Memories gets a nod, but not War in the Pocket? Did we really need five of the mechs from Gundam Wing? And did you seriously include Heavyarms, which has a pocket knife for a melee weapon?

On the other hand, the Wing suits are all the worst five in the game, and I didn't love Unicorn nearly as much as I do now that I've actually seen it in motion. So it has that going for it I guess.

2. Movies are looking pretty bleak until the 22nd, when Captain America comes out. I'm kind of disappointed I won't be seeing it in Florida, like I did with Thor. This isn't necessarily because the theaters are better there (though they are), it's mostly because it means that when I go, I won't run into a group of people cosplaying as the Avenger's. There is no better way to make me feel better about myself than to see a group of cosplayers.

That said, were I in shape and had a set of Extremis armor, I promise you I'd be right there as Tony Stark. Just sayin.

3. I think I should start doing more models. And by models, I mean figurines that have to be assembled by hand. Now that I think on it, this would actually make for a fairly entertaining blogpost and material on it's own.

Huh, why didn't I think of that earlier? Fucking writer's block.

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