

Hi, and welcome to Scan Visor, personal blog of Rai/Eric/Whatever name you know me by. My intention is to fill this with a post a day of something, so that I'll always have some kind of content sitting here and to get my own creative juices flowing. It's been too long since I've written some kind of long form whatever, so I think I'll take that opportunity to do that here.

As for what I'll posting, it'll be a grab bag. By and large, I imagine it'll be concerned with various gaming or other media things, and I've already got two or three ideas for long running series. Honestly, that's most of my life. I find media and all it's related accoutrements to be fascinating, and (over)analyzing the stuff is a fun thought exercise. Plus, I mean, gaming is perhaps my one constant interest throughout my life. How could I not talk about that?

So along with all the various stuff about stuff, I'll probably also touch on politics (it's own type of showmanship), whatever I happen to be doing at the moment (currently: Modeling), and whatever crosses my fancy. So right. Hopefully this doesn't become an abject failure.