
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Deus Ex Human Revolution: Three Hours In

So I started Deus Ex: Human Revolution last night, and played a bit more today because I am still unemployed and I was waiting for laundry to finish, and I had this feeling that I couldn't place. It was good! Something I hadn't felt in a long time.

And I just now placed it.

It reminded me of playing the first Deus Ex.

This is meant in the best way possible. It's not as good, and I do have some qualms with some of what the game does. The cover mechanic is really finicky, and without upgrades I have trouble telling what enemies are doing, et cetera. But this is minor.

I was reminded of playing the opening areas of Deus Ex, one of the most beloved games of all time.

I love the leveling mechanics, and hope for something as deep in ME3. I love the inventory screen, and wish that it was everything that Bioshock had and something that Bioshock Infinite will have. I love the return to the cyberpunk future, and the depiction of a world that William Gibson would have written, that this is the world that Neuromancer would happen in, and that it's just far enough in the future to be futuristic but not yet so far as to be unrecognizable. (On a related note, I hate that cyberpunk as a genre hasn't really had serious book that i'm aware of since the 80's. Way to be asleep at the wheel.) I love that green isn't the color used to hint at technology and future, but that yellow is.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love the hell out of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It's fun.

Also, the stuff offered in this post in this post is still for sale. Please to be buying, kthx! Prices are all negotiable. I just want to offload stuff/make some monies.

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